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RELAY A relay is like a switch that can be controlled electronically. Relays are very simple devices and can be used to control devices with higher loads(Like AC controlled devices and devices that require heavy voltages to operate). Relay modules can be used mainly in IOT projects and home automation. Relays can be used to make useful hobby projects.  A two channel relay. *Dealing with high voltages may cause injuries or even death, please use relays with utmost care. Working of Relays. Relays work like electromagnets, when a voltage is applied the coil,  the coil gets charged and acts like an electromagnet and moves the switch to the desired position. In simple terms, relays act as magnets when a signal is applied or removed. Basic circuit of a relay Connections. +5V of Arduino-  5V of relay module. GND of Arduino- GND of relay module. Pin no. 8 of Arduino- In1 of relay module. Basic connection of a relay module CODE void setup() { pinMode(8, OUTPUT)...

Tesla Coils and learning how they work.

Tesla coils

A Tesla Coil is an air-cored resonant transformer. It has some similarities with a standard transformer but the mode of operation is somewhat different. A standard transformer uses tight coupling between its primary and secondary windings and the voltage transformation ratio is due to turns ratio alone. In contrast, a Tesla Coil uses a relatively loose coupling between primary and secondary, and the majority of the voltage gain is due to resonance rather than the turns ratio. A normal transformer uses an iron core in order to operate at low frequencies, whereas the Tesla Coil is air-cored to operate efficiently at much higher frequencies.


  • The spark gap initially appears as an open-circuit. Current from the HV power supply flows through a ballast inductor and charges the primary tank capacitor to a high voltage. The voltage across the capacitor increases steadily with time as more charge is being stored across its dielectric.
  • Eventually the capacitor voltage becomes so high that the air in the spark gap is unable to hold-off the high electric field and breakdown occurs. The resistance of the air in the spark gap drops dramatically and the spark gap becomes a good conductor. The tank capacitor is now connected across the primary winding through the spark gap. This forms a parallel resonant circuit and the capacitor discharges its energy into the primary winding in the form of a damped high frequency oscillation. The natural resonant frequency of this circuit is determined by the values of the primary capacitor and primary winding, and is usually in the low hundreds of kilohertz.
  • During the damped primary oscillation energy passes back and forth between the primary capacitor and the primary inductor. Energy is stored alternately as voltage across the capacitor or current through the inductor. Some of the energy from the capacitor also produces considerable heat and light in the spark gap. Energy dissipated in the spark gap is energy which is lost from the primary tank circuit, and it is this energy loss which causes the primary oscillation to decay relatively quickly with time.
  • The close proximity of the primary and secondary windings causes magnetic coupling between them. The high amplitude oscillating current flowing in the primary causes a similar oscillating current to be induced in the nearby secondary coil.
  • The self capacitance of the secondary winding and the capacitance formed between the Toroid and ground result in another parallel resonant circuit being made with the secondary inductance. Its natural resonant frequency is determined by the values of the secondary inductance and its stray capacitances. The resonant frequency of the primary circuit is deliberately chosen to be the same as the resonant frequency of the secondary circuit so that the secondary is excited by the oscillating magnetic field of the primary.
  • Energy is gradually transferred from the primary resonant circuit to the secondary resonant circuit. Over several cycles the amplitude of the primary oscillation decreases and the amplitude of the secondary oscillation increases. The decay of the primary oscillation is called "Primary Ring down" and the start of the secondary oscillation is called "Secondary Ring up". When the secondary voltage becomes high enough, the Toroid is unable to prevent breakout, and sparks are formed as the surrounding air breaks down.
  • Eventually all of the energy has been transferred to the secondary system and none is left in the primary circuit. This point is known as the "First primary notch" because the amplitude of the primary oscillation has fallen to zero. It is the first notch because the energy transfer process usually does not stop here. In an ideal system the spark gap would cease to conduct at this point, when all of the energy is trapped in the secondary circuit. Unfortunately, this rarely happens in practice.
  • If the spark gap continues to conduct after the first primary notch then energy begins to transfer from the secondary circuit back into the primary circuit. The secondary oscillation decays to zero and the primary amplitude increases again. When all of the energy has been transferred back to the primary circuit, the secondary amplitude drops to zero. This point is known as the "First secondary notch", because there is no energy left in the secondary at this time.
  • This energy transfer process can continue for several hundred microseconds. Energy sloshes between the primary and secondary resonant circuits resulting in their amplitudes increasing and decreasing with time. At the instants when all of the energy is in the secondary circuit, there is no energy in the primary system and a "Primary notch" occurs. When all of the energy is in the primary circuit, there is no energy in the secondary and a "Secondary notch" occurs.
  • Each time energy is transferred from one resonant circuit to the other, some energy is lost in either the primary spark gap, RF radiation or due to the formation of sparks from the secondary. This means that the overall level of energy in the Tesla Coil system decays with time. Therefore both the primary and secondary amplitudes would eventually decay to zero.
  • After several transfers of energy between primary and secondary, the energy in the primary will become sufficiently low that the spark gap will cool. It will now stop conducting at a primary notch when the current is minimal. At this point any remaining energy is trapped in the secondary system, because the primary resonant circuit is effectively "broken" by the spark gap going open-circuit.
  • The energy left in the secondary circuit results in a damped oscillation which decays exponentially due to resistive losses and the energy dissipated in the secondary sparks.
  • Since the spark gap is now open-circuit the tank capacitor begins to charge again from the HV supply, and the whole process repeats again.

How does the Tesla Coil produce such a massive secondary voltage?

The terrific voltage gain of the Tesla Coil comes from the fact that the energy in the large primary tank capacitor is transferred to the comparatively small stray capacitance of the secondary circuit. The energy stored in the primary capacitor is measured in Joules and is found from the following formula:
Ep = 0.5 Cp Vp²
If, for example, the primary capacitor is 47nF and it is charged to 20kV then the stored energy can be calculated.
Ep = 0.5 x 47n x (20000)² = 9.4 Joules
If we assume there are no losses in the transfer of energy to the secondary winding, the theory of conservation of energy states that this energy will be transferred to the secondary capacitance Cs. Cs is typically around 25pF. If it contains 9.4 Joules of energy when the energy transfer is complete, we can calculate the voltage:
Es = 0.5 x 25p x Vs² = 9.4
Vs² = 9.4 / (0.5 x 25p)
Vs = 867 kV!!
The theoretical voltage gain of the Tesla Coil is actually equal to the square root of the Capacitance ratio.
Gain = sqrt (Cp / Cs)
  • All of the above equations calculate the theoretical maximum voltage gain. In practice the voltage at the top of the secondary will never get quite this high because of several factors:-
  • The above equations assume that all of the energy from the primary capacitor makes the journey into the secondary capacitor. In practice some energy is lost due to resistance of the windings of both coils.
  • A significant proportion of the initial energy is lost as light, heat, and sound in the primary spark gap.
  • The primary and secondary coils act like antennas and radiate a small amount of energy in the form of radio waves.
  • The formation of corona or arcs from the Toroid to nearby grounded objects ultimately limits the peak secondary voltage.
  • The size of the Toroid (or discharge terminal) is very important. If it is small, it will theoretically result in a higher secondary voltage due to its lower capacitance (Cs). However, in practice its small radius of curvature will cause the surrounding air to breakdown prematurely at a low voltage before the maximum level is reached. A large toroid theoretically results in a lower peak secondary voltage (due to more Cs) but in practice gives good results because its larger radius of curvature delays the breakdown of the surrounding air until a higher voltage is reached.
    It is possible to fit a very large toroid to a Tesla Coil which actually prevents the surrounding air from breaking down. In this instance no power is dissipated in the form of secondary sparks, and energy from the tank capacitor is dissipated between the spark gap, stray resistances, and RF radiation.

    Dangers of Tesla Coil
  • My intention now is to scare you and with this fear develop a healthy respect for the electric currents found in operating Tesla coils. Being over 90% water with electrolytes and salts, your body makes a fair conductor of electricity. The nervous system operates on picoamps of current (1 × 10−12). The physiological effects on the nervous system with even small currents are listed
    • The recipient of a non-harmful shock still controls voluntary movement, which allows them to release their grasp of the source. The recipient of a harmful shock will loose control of their voluntary movement, which keeps them connected to the source (fingers still clutching).
    • The threshold level of these physiological effects increases as the frequency of the current decreases. At first glance it may seem that DC currents are safer than AC currents. However, the DC current has no skin effect and will penetrate to the center of the body where it can do the most harm to the central nervous system. AC currents of 60 Hz can penetrate at least 0.5”below the skin, which is also deep enough to profoundly affect the nervous system. For AC frequencies above 400 Hz the threshold level for dangerous currents decreases to microampere levels; however, the depth of penetration also continues to decrease.

      At frequencies above the audio range the current remains on the surface of the skin and has difficulty penetrating to the nerves under the skin that control muscular action, respiration and involuntary functions. As there are pain sensors just under the surface of the skin, high frequencies can still cause discomforting shock effects at imperceptible current levels. The reference also notes that most deaths by electrocution resulted from contact with 70 V to 500 V and levels as low as 30V are still considered potential hazards. Even a small Tesla coil can produce voltages above 100 kV. Currents in a 60-Hz line frequency are still quite dangerous. 
      • With the advent of CMOS devices and their inherent destruction from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), the electrical characteristics of the human body have been extensively researched.
      • This human body model (HBM) also serves to illustrate the potential hazards found in a Tesla coil and the need for safety. 
      • The HBM standard from reference defines the following
      • human body electrical characteristics during a static discharge:
      •  100 pF of capacitance.
      •  1,500  of resistance.
      •  2 to 10 nsec exponential rise time.
      •  150 nsec exponential fall time.

        Key points to consider before using Tesla coils

        The voltage the HBM is charged to ranges from 500 V to 4,000 V. If you accidentally (or intentionally)touch the primary circuit in a medium size coil using a 230-V line supplying a 70:1 step-up transformer at full output, the following will theoretically happen:
        • You will be unable to physically react within a few nanoseconds (0.000000002 second). Severe electrical shock produces paralysis not to mention the effect of large currents being conducted through a nervous system that operates on pico amps.

        •  For each second you are in contact with the primary circuit it will reach a peak voltage of (230 V×1.414)×70=22.77 kV, for a total of 120 times. This is only the instantaneous peak. There will only be about 100μ seconds during these 120 peaks per second where the voltage will be under 1 kV. The HBM is capable of nanosecond transition times. This means a current pulse in or out of your body can reach its peak value in 2-10 nano sec. For each second you are in contact with the primary circuit the 22.77 kV can supply a peak current through your body-to-ground of: I = C × (v/t) = 100 pF × (22.77 kV/2 nano sec) = 1,139 A(On 220v AC a Current of 100mA will kill you!!), for a total of 120 times. This is only the instantaneous peak. The current will follow the 60- Hz supply sine wave and the current through you to ground will vary from 0 A to 1,139 A. For comparison look at what an arc welder does to metal with just 100 A. You will draw a steady rms value of current of at least 16.6 kV/1,500  = 11 A. This rms current will probably increase as your HBM resistance lowers with carbonization of tissue. Getting scared yet!

        • The peak instantaneous power flowing through your body is (1,139 A × 22.77 kV) = 25.9 MW. You will draw a steady rms power value of 11 A × 16.1 kV = 177 kW. The good news is your line supply will probably limit this to some lower value or some overcurrent protection device (circuit breaker or fuse) in your service box will trip. Protective devices will generally break a short circuit within one positive or negative alternation of the line, which is less than 8.3 msec.

          NOTE:I have made very minimal changes and kept it as raw as possible.

Post by MD Ansar


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